Artemis Chest Relief 200mL

$34.90 $37.90

SKU: 9421900665907

Chest and Respiratory HealthRelax and soothe a tight chestClear mucus from airways

ChestRelief provides powerful natural support to relax and soothe a tight chest and clear mucus from lungs and airways. The hero ingredients in this potent plant formula include ThymeMed, our scientifically researched exclusive fresh plant extract made from Central Otago Thyme, with Marshmallow root, known to protect and soothe the respiratory tract.

Plant ingredient AmountThymus vulgaris herba et flos (Thyme) tinc. equiv. fresh herb and flower 120mgPlantago lanceolata herba (Plantain) tinc. equiv. fresh herb 115mgAlthaea officinalis radix (Marshmallow) tinc. equiv. fresh root 102mgVerbascum densiflorum herba et flos (Mullein) tinc. equiv. fresh herb and flower 73mgGrindelia robusta herba (Grindelia) tinc. equiv dry herb 27mgGlycyrrhiza glabra radix (Licorice) tinc. equiv. dry root 9mg Pimpinella anisum oleum (Aniseed oil) 45mcl

  • Also contains ethanol, non-palm vegetable glycerine.

  • No artificial colours, flavours, sweeteners or preservatives. No added sugar. No honey. Gluten and dairy free.

  • Non GMO. Vegan. Hypoallergenic.

ANISEED OILAniseed oil (Pimpinella anisum oleum) supports mucus clearance from the lungs and airways and helps to relax a tight chest.

GRINDELIAGrindelia (Grindelia robusta) supports a relaxed chest and the clearance of excess mucus from the upper respiratory tract.

LICORICELicorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) supports respiratory health by supporting mucus clearance from the lungs and airways and relaxing of the bronchial muscles.

MARSHMALLOW ROOTMarshmallow root (Althaea officinalis) protects and soothes the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, including the nose, throat and airways.

MULLEINMullein (Verbascum densiflorum) soothes mucous membranes in the upper respiratory tract by forming a protective layer.

PLANTAINPlantain (Plantago lanceolata) has an affinity for the respiratory tract, helping to soothe and protect mucous membranes.

THYMEThyme (Thymus vulgaris) provides powerful natural support for the body's immune defences and respiratory system, which includes helping to clear mucus from lungs and airways. ThymeMed is Artemis' exclusive plant extract made from Central Otago Thyme.