Viola Renew Exfoliator 100ml



Description: A beautiful blend of ground Walnut husks and Macadamia Nut Oil to gently remove dead skin cells and leave the skin feeling soft and supple.

This item comes packaged in a plastic tube for safety reasons.

Ingredients Renew Exfoliator: Distilled Water, Natural Vegetable Glycerine (coconut) Macadamia Nut Oil, * Olive Oil, ground Walnut Husks, Xanthan Gum (non GMO), (unscented liquid soap containing * Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Hemp Oil, *Jojoba Oil, Citric Acid, Vitamin E) Pure Essential Oil: Lemongrass, Juniper, Rose Geranium, Lavender.

INCI Ingredients: Distilled Water, Vegetable glycerin (coconut), (Olive) Olea europaea Oil, (Macadamia Nut Oil) Macadamia integrifolia Oil, Saponified Organic (Coconut) Cocos nucifera and (Olive) Olea europaea Oil, (Hemp) Cannabis Sativa Oil, *(Jojoba) Simmons chinensis, Citric Acid, Vitamin E, Cetyl Alcohol (natural emulsifier), Ground Walnut Husks, , Xanthan Gum (non GMO), Pure essential Oil: (Lemongrass) Cymbopogon citratus,(Juniper) Juniperis communis,(Lavender) Lavendula angustifolia gross, , (Rose Geranium) Pelargonium x asperum

*Denotes an Organic Certified Ingredient.Beauty products that are organic and natural make sense for better health and wellbeing. 100% safe and non-toxic, chemical free.

Directions: Use Renew Exfoliator 1-2 times per week to assist with cell rejuvenation and to leave you with a more youthful and glowing complexion.

TOP TIP: As the skin age there is a slowing down of the natural cell shedding and renewal process, due to this the outer layer of the skin can dry out and contribute to a dull and lifeless looking complexion. Exfoliators are designed to combat this.

More information: Did you know? It has been revealed that a single bottle of scrub (most mass produced brands - face and shower scrubs) may contain up to 330,000 tiny plastic beads. Consumer pressure is leading to some brands phasing out the use of these plastic beads. The tiny particles accumulate in lakes and oceans where they absorb pollutants and get eaten by fish. NZ has banned the use of these beads.